Mission Statement of the Educational Apostolate of Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross in India

Inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus ,who came to give fullness of life to all,and his call to spread the Good news of love,peace,justice and fraternity to all nations. 

And Stirred by the example and directions of our Founders,Fr.Theodosius Florentini and Mother Maria Theresa Scherer in their

 - Unbounded faith and trust in the Divine Providence. 
 - Farsightedness 
 - Innovative approach to education 
 - Unfailing courage to take risks 
 - Preferential love for the poor and the under privilaged 

And Challenged by inhuman poverty, massive illiteracy,environmental degradation,gender discrimination ,various forms of child-abuse,corruption,displacement of the poor,consumerism,fundamentalism and eroding moral values,our mission as compassionate leaders,is to form young women and men of character,who will distinguish themselves by their academic and Professional excellence,sound spiritual and moral values with a holistic growth in their intellectual      emotional,physical,aesthetic,abilities,spirit of selfless service and leadership qualities. 

Thus they will commit themselves to the transformation of the present day social conditions and contribute towards building a just and eco-friendly human society where genuine freedom,equality of opportunities and respect for religions,moral and social values found in the Gospels and enshrined in the Constitution of India will prevail.

Modalities to achieve these goals for sisters

Commitment to the Mission Statement:Fostering team spirit in a spirit filled community to realize the mission in the local context involvement in neighbourhood ministry.Keep abreast of the changes in education.Accompaniment of Staff and students.  

 - For Staff Understand and accept our vision mission statement and implement it 
 - Commit to work as a team for the poor and underprivileged 
 - Upgrade and adopt creative and effective teaching learning methods which are collaborative and activity based,with efficient use of technology. 
 - Cordial relation with parents , and respectful dealing with students to accompany them in their integral information 
 - Loyal to the institution and support the administration in planning and execution 
 - The principal as a committed and compassionate leader takes the lead in implementing the Mission statement with all stakeholders-Sisters,Staff,Students,Parents,Alumni and Well-wishers

Aim & Objectives

The School aims at developing the students in totality,to make him/her a perfect creation of God.Top priority is given to character building based on sound moral principles.Boys and girls leaving the school will be characterized by a sense of responsibility and true development of their mind body and character.They should show this by being actively concerned about national development in the true spirit of freedom,equality justice and peace.They should feel proud of the institution and must have distinguished character. 

 - To attain the aims and objectives,the sisters,together with the whole team of staff, work towards the following. 
 - To make the boys and girls spiritually psychologically and mentally strong and mature. 
 - To help them to have right values in life and cultivate in them strong principles. To help to bring out the innate and hidden talents in them. 
 - To make them academically qualified to face the challenging competitions in life. 
 - To make them understand true freedom , respecting the freedom of others and help them to become responsible citizens who will be future catalysts for social changes.All students are taught the essentials of religion which are acceptable to people of all faiths.Efforts are made the continually to develop values in the life of all students. 

Holy Cross School receives no Government or Private aid and fees realized from students is the only source of revenue.To keep up with the rising cost and revision in Salary , fees have to be adjusted from time to time.


Vision : To form young women and men of character who will commit to contribute ,to build a just and eco friendly human society with spiritual ,moral and social values enshrined in the constitution of India.
Mission: To Prepare Holyans as trendsetters who must be compassionate , benevolent, socially responsible, proactive ,academically excellent and green activists to shape a just society. To ensure the reflection of Holy cross cultural traits – loyalty ,Eco friendliness  , humanity ,team spirit and working excellence in efforts of all staff and stakeholders.
Motto: Love & Service

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